The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Nawa) provided a grant to Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University for the implementation of the scientific project “Monoclonal antibodies in combination with thiazolidinone derivatives as a modern anticancer strategy”. The project will be managed by Roman Lesyk, Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Lviv Honorary Ambassador. In partnership, the grant was also received by the Medical University in Białystok (Poland).
The project is interdisciplinary and involves the cooperation of teams in the field of organic and medical chemistry, biotechnology and molecular biology. Upon completion of the project, attempts will be made to commercialize the research results by obtaining patents and establishing cooperation with pharmaceutical companies.
The project will primarily allow the purchase of the necessary reagents and small laboratory equipment, covering the costs of mobility in the form of working visits, research symposia and travel to international conferences, fees and other costs necessary for the proper implementation of the project.
On the Polish side, the project will involve two departments of the Medical University in Białystok – the Department of Biotechnology (headed by Professor Anna Beławska) and the Department of Drug Synthesis and Technology (headed by Professor Krzysztof Beławski).